Committees and Meetings

The full council meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month. All meetings are open to the public and at the beginning of each meeting 15 minutes is set aside for members of the public to speak about issues on the agenda. Agendas are available to view on the website and/or the village notice board. 

All published minutes are in draft form until approved at the following meeting.

2024 Parish Council Meeting dates:  23 January 27 February, 26 March, 23 April (to be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting), 28 May (Annual Parish Council Meeting), 25 June, 30 July, 24 September, 22 October, 26 November and 10 December.

Please note there is no meeting in August. 

All meetings are open to the public so please do come along.



Full Council

Parish council meetings take place on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 19:00 unless otherwise stated.

Planning Committee

Planning committee meetings take place when required. Currently all planning applications are considered at Parish Council Meetings.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee recommends the annual budget and parish precept to Ditchling Parish Council for agreement. The committee meets as needed.

Grounds and Burial Committee

This committee discusses the management of the grounds and facilities owned by the parish council. The committee meets as needed.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Meeting for Electors to raise any matters they may wish.