The parish council’s planning committee meet as required to consider planning matters, although currently planning applications are discussed at monthly Parish Council meetings. The Committee members are Cllr. E. Rowling (Chair), Cllr. R. Orme (Vice Chair), Cllr. R. Stapleton and Cllr. V. Ingham.
The council is a consultee on planning applications but does not make the final decision. This is the responsibility of Lewes District Council (LDC) or the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). Most of the parish is with the national park but the northern end beyond Folders Lane East remains in Lewes district. The links to both websites in relation to planning are below.
Planning applications - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils (
Find and comment on an application - South Downs National Park Authority
If you have a view on a planning application, you can contact the clerk or comment directly to LDC or the SDNPA.
Our planning recommendations are guided by the neighbourhood development plan.